The firm's attorneys are active members of the community that donate their time, attention, and resources that are near and dear to their hearts.
We support a variety of community endeavors and are always looking for opportunities to contribute and give back to causes in this area that can be impactful.
A few examples are below:
Our managing partner, Minor Pipes, served as president of the Louisiana State Bar Association for the 2021-2022 term. He also is a previous president of the Louisiana Bar Foundation and he works with numerous non-profits in and around New Orleans.
Stephen Miles has been selected as President of Board of Trustees for a local elementary school, Stuart Hall School for Boys. He is also active in coaching youth sports.
Kristin Beckman volunteers her time with the Pro Bono Project, Dress for Success, as well as other non-profit organizations. She is also a Fellow of the Louisiana Bar Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the Louisiana Bar Association, which serves to promote access to justice and increase public understanding of the legal system.
Cassie Giarrusso is committed to many causes along with her husband, a New Orleans City Councilman, in their philanthropic and civic endeavors.
Chris Teske is a co-founder of the New Orleans Cyclocross Project where he teaches youth from across the city the joys of racing bikes. He is also the co-director of Tulane Law School’s Nationally recognized Civil Litigation Intersession, which trains students in the art of pre-trial discovery and motion practice.
Patrick Lorio is an active member of Stonewall Sports NOLA, an LGBTQ-focused non-profit recreational sports league that raises funds for local non-profit organizations committed to the LGBTQ+ New Orleans community.
Kelsey Meeks is the founder and CEO of WEEN DREAM, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that, since 2014, has given more than 15,000 free Halloween costumes to children in need across America.
Mary Elizabeth Ingram is on the committee for the Pro Bono Project's Justice for All Ball.
Katie Roth is an active volunteer for Kids Join the Fight, which seeks to empower children to join the fight against pediatric cancer through fundraising, as well as the Sugarplum Ball committee supporting Children’s Hospital. At her sons’ school she is the immediate past-President of the parents’ group and a current member of the Diversity & Inclusion committee. At her daughter’s school she chairs the Helping Hearts committee, providing support to members of the school community in need. Katie is a Sustainer in the Junior League of New Orleans and has served on the Board of Trustees for the Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse and the Audubon Riverside Neighborhood Association.
Jeff Clayman is the Vice Chair of the Advocates for Science & Mathematics Education, Inc., the governing board of The New Orleans Charter Science and Mathematics High School, known as “Sci High.” He has also served on boards and committees and volunteered for other educational and charitable organizations in New Orleans.